FastLook Ini file

The ini file sets startup conditions for FastLook. These can be changed in a text editor, such as Notepad.

Here is the default fastlook.ini file content. Commands set checkboxes in the Controls form.


; semicolon is a comment

; in jClamp these ini commands can be run from a script as well

; set camera types here if supported by FastLook; value of 0 will be default camera

camera_start(0); set to zero so no camera is on when program starts outside of jClamp -- set to 1 for Ando to start, 2 for Prosilica




ij_path:O:\imageJ; set ImageJ path here

capture_length(20); set the capture length

prosilica_poll_on; set polling with jClamp to control capture with a particular camera



auto_gain_threshold(700); set auto gain to obtain this average random pixel intensity of camera image (not screen intensity!)

capture_frames; set capture length to equal frames

;capture_time; set capture length to equal time in seconds

time_out(10); set time out to wait for hardware trigger. if exceeded capture is halted but file is saved.

frame_rate(25); set fixed frame rate

frame_mark_on; enable frame marking during recording


;audio_mark_on; enable audio frame marking


audio_threshold(50); set audio threshold for frame marker (1-127)

;disk_stream_on; when capturing video stream directly to disk. may be slower than to memory.

disk_stream_off; when capturing video stream directly to memory before writing to disk

;autogain; push autogain button to automaically set gain for proper viewing - see camera instructions

;autoexposure; push autoexposure button to automaically set exposure time for proper viewing - see camera instructions

;savebox_on; save only that area of screen within a drawn box

savebox_off; save whole screen

shutter_open; open camera internal shutter if present

;shutter_close; close camera internal shutter if present

;showbox_on; show only that portion of the screen that is within the box

showbox_off; show whole screen

;movie_trig_on; set whole movie capture (possibly consisting of many frames) to occur when hardware trigger is sent to camera trigger input

movie_trig_off; disable movie trigger

;frame_trig_on; set single frame capture to occur with each trigger input until number of desired frames is acheived.

frame_trig_off; set frame trigger off

;fixed_rate_on; set capture to occur at fixed frame rates; This will be limited by Windows;

fixed_rate_off; no fixed frame rate; speed will occur at maximum rate permited by software in Windows.

;set_frame_sec; set fixed frame rate in terms of time - duration of frame.

set_frame_fps; set fixed frame rate in terms of FPS (frames per second).

;data_path:d:\test1 ; set data path to d:\test1 ( the current date is automatically added as a subdirectory. e.g. d:\test1\02-28-2010) in jClamp directory is auto set to jClamp data directory


The default ini file can be replaced with any other ini file by appending the ini filename to the Target command line in a shortcut on the desktop.

Here “myini.ini” will replace “fastlook.ini”. This is useful if more than one person uses the program and needs to set different data directories and camera settings.

In order to be able to edit the properties of the shortcut, you need to go to the executable file “fastlook.exe” in program files directory, right click on the file and send shortcut to the desktop.

Shortcuts made other ways may not allow editing the target.

Description: Description: ini_short.JPG