Menu Bar

Accessed by moving mouse to extreme left of jClamp main window. If desired, the bar can remain visible by moving it (move mouse after mouse cursor is down between icon and X button). Closing the MenuBar window with the MenuBar’s X button sets it back to the hidden position. If the MenuBar becomes somehow inaccessible, simply click on the main window’s X button in the upper right corner. It should reappear.

Exit - exits the program after verification. If data were saved to the current day’s data directory, the user is notified that data files exist. If no data has been saved then the directory is removed.

Edit ini - opens the separate program Iniedit.exe with the current INI file. This file contains information which should be set for the program to run correctly. An example INI file is shown below with all possible settings. The file can be edited with Iniedit.exe outside of jClamp, as well.

Re-ini - if changes to the ini file were made while jClamp is running, clicking this button will incorporate the changes without having to exit the program.

CC history - Displays a plot of cell and clamp characteristics during the past N seconds. N and the sampling resolution are defined in the ini file. Three plots are available, but each can be used to display any of the Cell Censor data items or data from Chan Watch.

Seal - Display input resistance during seal formation. Zap is a parameter file which can be modified by the user. The scroll bar dynamically increases or decreases the amplitude of the signal. Pressing the cartoon button delivers the zap stimulus which hopefully will establish whole-cell configuration! If not, suck! One zap can be delivered automatically when a given seal value is reached, if auto is enabled. Settings in the ini file.

Command Utility - the Command utility is used to develop voltage or current protocols.

Quick Notes open window to insert preassembled, often used notes into the log file.

Rapid Parameter Directory toggle open.

Edit Script - opens Notepad to edit script files with the extension <.scp>. An example script is shown below with all commands. Scripts can be edited with any text editor.

Impedance analysis – open impedance window

Cm calibrate icon. - capacitance tracking calibration and calibration file load . Calibration accessible from CC window now.

??About - info on the jClamp and computer. The Help file can be accessed from here as well.

LOG open log window – only works in analysis mode.

Model - the program can be run without hardware if model is selected from the Cell Censor window (move mouse over the user graphic in the Cell Censor open selection window containing model toggle). Clicking this button opens a window to adjust model cell characteristics.

Analyze - opens a window to permit some analyses.

Communications - GPIB (under construction) and serial communications are available to control peripherals. Control via scripts is possible.

AC Cm window (Macro patch button) Using Chirp stimuli, frequency response of capacitance can be made.

Clipbrd - opens the Windows clipboard to view data which has been captured for pasting into other programs. Available in Shortcut Bar now.